Heliothis zea en maiz pdf download

Corn earworm helicoverpa zea caterpillar feeding on corn. Life table of the corn earworm, heliothis zea boddie, in sweet corn in hawaii. Control del gusano elotero helicoverpa zea revista. Fieldevolved resistance of helicoverpa zea boddie to.

Heliothis stombleri okumura and bauer is a new synonym of h. Further description of helicoverpa zea lepidoptera. Esta especie tiene varios hospederos, entre ellos pastos kumar y mihm, 2002. Aa con una mancha oscura circular cerca del centro. A new synonym of helicoverpa zea boddie naldc usda. Notes on taxonomy and nomenclature top of page the taxonomic situation regarding h. Notes on taxonomy and nomenclature top of page the taxonomic situation is complicated and presents several problems. Phytoparasitic nematodes associated with the cultivation of maize zea mais l. Ing articulung iti tungkul ya keng the maize plant.

En anos mas recientes diaz y flores 1969 en ayacucho. Noctuidae, is a major target pest of pyramided bt maize and cotton in the u. Las larvas pasan por 5 a 6 instares en 2 a 3 semanas. Smithphenological prediction models for white corn zea mays l. The crops most frequently recorded as host plants are maize, sorghum, cotton. The corn earworm, helicoverpa zea boddie lepidoptera. Heliothis zea, heliothis armigera, bombyx obsoleta, chloridea obsoleta, heliothis ochracea, heliothis umbrosa, phalaena zea. Spodoptera frugiperda y heliothis zea en maiz zea mays l. Manejo integrado del gusano elotero helicoverpa zea. In 2017 and 2018, notable ear damage and larval survival of h. Las valvas no siempre presentaron lados paralelos, y mostraron apices agudos o redondeados. Pdf life table of the corn earworm, heliothis zea boddie, in. Esta ampliamente distribuida en sur y norte america, excepto canada y alaska.

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